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Interview 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Interview By Ismini Karali - Hospitality Entrepreneur and Conceptual Designer. ___________________________________________________________________

Jagadish Dhyan Shreyas: Life is so beautiful, it is better to enjoy it rather than trying to understand it.

BPP: Identity: Who you are?And who you really are?

Jagadish Dhyan Shreyas: Male, 31, Visual Artist from India.

I am just an ordinary human being. I am enjoying whatsoever becomes available for me. I don’t have any purpose, except celebration of this beautiful gift, the life.

BPP: If you could say something important you've learned all these years of your life, to the other people and they were able to listen to you, what would you like to tell them?

Jagadish Dhyan Shreyas: We are alive, and our Life is so beautiful, it is better to enjoy it rather than trying to understand it.

BPP: What is your real dream, the one that keeps you awake at nights and if one day it will come true, you will feel your heart calm and peaceful?

Jagadish Dhyan Shreyas: First of all, the dreams are not real but they are just our unlived Life; I don’t believe that one day it will come true, and will feel calm and peaceful; rather, I could be calm and peaceful right now.

BPP: How is life for the people in your country today? What do you wish to happen to them and to the people of this planet at large?

Jagadish Dhyan Shreyas: I can see the life of people in my country, in three different factions today, in terms of understanding the very phenomena called ‘Reality’, in order to recognize our own existence. Some are thinking experimentally about reality with science. Some are with philosophy, thinking about reality tentatively, and some are with religion, not thinking about reality at all, but experiencing it. I wish each and everyone to know the reality of life through all the doors of perception. Philosophical, Religious and Scientific.

BPP: If you had the chance to be a child again, will you choose to do the same life you do?

Jagadish Dhyan Shreyas: Yes, I respect my childhood and I don’t want to change anything in it.

BPP: Which exactly was the moment you understood what you want to do in your life? How did you feel at this very moment?

Jagadish Dhyan Shreyas: I am waiting for that moment to come.

BPP: Something yours: Do you want to tell us something we didn't ask you until now?

Jagadish Dhyan Shreyas: No.

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